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  1. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Spatial audio update coming later this month:
  2. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    old news... but as fun as it is, it's a wasted opportunity to do more with it. at the very least, add more dialogue lines or something.
  3. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Dude got his copy of the game from a totally legitimate game site... so he's running into hiccups.
  4. northrop

    Hellgate: Redemption

    I see your discord channel and raise you an armor piece named after me in the game, lol
  5. northrop

    Hellgate: Redemption

    Making my HGL swag relevant again?
  6. northrop

    Nikon Z9 specification sheet does not show how much time it can record on each mode

    My guess is Nikon implemented a 2hr time limit for continuous video recording to prevent any damage to internal components. That being said, this doesn't appear to be much of an issue, because a 5 sec google search resulted in this little gem, where a user claims you can just hit 'record' button...
  7. northrop

    Nikon Z9 specification sheet does not show how much time it can record on each mode

    Canon: 8K 30p - 20min 4K 120p - 15min 4K 60p - 35min, but 25min in crop 4K 30p - no limit with full sensor, 30 min in high quality, no limit in crop... .... Nikon: Do whatever you want, you have 2 hours. Nikon isn't hiding anything... they simply don't have the same restrictions as Canon...
  8. northrop

    Nikon Z9 specification sheet does not show how much time it can record on each mode

    - ALL-I or IPB aren't mentioned in the guide? We must be looking at a different file then. The one I linked to above definitely does mention ALL-I in the section listing all of its available video file types (pg 200) - If you use a memory card formatted with a FAT32, you'll end up with a max of...
  9. northrop

    Nikon Z9 specification sheet does not show how much time it can record on each mode

    From the Z9 Reference Guide: - Each video can be up to 125 minutes in length. (page 213). This is true for all modes.
  10. northrop

    Beginner Camera

    There's not much more to add to what UnknownSouljer already posted above, but here's some additional food for thought. Camera is just a tool like any other. Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji... you can pick any one you like, and you'll be able to create equally fantastic images. Their offerings are...
  11. northrop


    Now on Kickstarter:
  12. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    You're probably onto something here with this, but they are doing disservice to themselves by half assing this just to say "we did it". 2.0+PL was an absolute masterpiece of a comeback for this game, and then they decided to poop all over it with this. I'm with Dan_D on this one, this brings...
  13. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    So, what you're saying is, hanging out with people you've had sex with is creepy, but ok when done in a red light district? I think this says more about you, than the game. Also, CDPR just ripped the mods that have been available for some time now...
  14. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077 New features: - V's issue with their NCART City Pass is resolved and they can now travel between the 19 metro stations located throughout Night City on 5 different lines via fast travel or riding the train itself while gazing out...
  15. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    This game is absolutely full of references to everything... NO LIFE 3 - REVIEW After fifty long years, the wait is finally over! The third and final installment of the No Life series will be available for purchase TOMORROW! As has been reported already, gamers should not expect any major...
  16. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077 Likely years away... but I'm already excited for this.
  17. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

  18. northrop

    Gamers Nexus vs LinusTechTips: Smackdown

    Here you go: - ex [H]OCP team writing reviews.
  19. northrop

    Chat message

    kinda tastes like medicine the first few times... but then i got hooked on it
  20. northrop

    Chat message

    Anyone drink hot tea?
    i've been drinking a lot of yogi egyptian licorice
  21. northrop

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    I've encounter a few dungeons where the game gets stuck on the loading screen. Alt+F4 is the only way out. Rubberbanding is pretty common in the populated areas as well, at least for me. But overall, it's been pretty solid.
  22. northrop

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    Found this in the comments of one of the vides... will give this a shot... "Quickest way is to seek an elite called Gasbar stilbian. He is to the left of the Whispering Pines Dungeon in Scosglen, Near a small clearing with a lava entrance. Guaranteed 5 drop."
  23. northrop

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    At the rate I'm going, my char will be lvl50 before I can find the stupid crushed beast bones to upgrade the potions. I've tried searching interwebs for clues for where to farm them, and so far, I've come up empty handed every time. Having almost 1000 life points and only 5 80 health pts potions...
  24. northrop

    EVGA made a 4090

  25. northrop

    A picture I took 2022

    Thanks for confirming my eyesight isn't giving up just yet :) I suspected technical limitations of sorts at first, but it's so subtle, I really wasn't sure if maybe I was seeing something that wasn't there. I must say, you did an excellent job mitigating the equipment limitations!
  26. northrop

    A picture I took 2022

    Neat. I like it. Not sure if it's YT or maybe it's my eyes deceiving me, but when you pan vertically, the video is noticeably less smooth (0:39, 0:55). Horizontal panning seems fine.
  27. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    The only T-poses I encountered involved NPC's... but it's been a while since I last played it, so who knows. The only other 2 memorable bugs involved cars. First one, I remember accidently summoning the car while in some apartment at the top of the skyscraper. Naturally, I expected the car to...
  28. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    I picked up CE on release, spent +100 hours playing it, and have enjoyed every minute of it, with minimal to no issues on release. Granted, I was also fortunate enough to be able to pick up 3080 on release, so that also helped with the game's fidelity. The game missed its mark, and it was way...
  29. northrop

    EVGA 3090 FTW3 $980 - Microcenter (in store only) Slashing prices on everything EVGA...
  30. northrop

    Best GPU for PhotoShop/Lightroom

    You won't see much difference between the two in Lightroom. LR doesn't really use much vram, and GPU acceleration only requires 2GB to run. Video editing however, is a different ballgame, so if your choice is only between the two cards listed, I'd go with the 2060 to get access to more vram.
  31. northrop

    11700K + ASUS Z590-P Prime WiFi - $270. Microcenter - In Store Only

    Another day, another Microcenter deal. Thread title says it all. Not a bad deal if you have MC nearby.,-asus-z590-p-prime-wifi,-cpu-motherboard-combo
  32. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    I've had this happen to me as well. Was is Delamain cab? For whatever reason, weird stuff always happens with that car. I once accidently called for a car while being in a high rise tower.. 12th floor or thereabout. Delamain entered the apartment through the window like a kool-aid man, then...
  33. northrop

    Official EVGA Ampere Queue Thread

    Yes, but it's a bit hard to extrapolate any meaningful statistics out of that. I know there's some obscure Google doc floating around with people's sign-up times, but unless EVGA releases actual number (which will never happen) it's anyone's guess. Could be 1k, could be 100k... we just don't...
  34. northrop

    Official EVGA Ampere Queue Thread

    First one in, first one out.. was able to order back in October
  35. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    It's a meme gun spitting out one-liners as you shoot. It's effective at what it does, and makes it a little more enjoyable.
  36. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    It's their first Cyberpunk. Witcher 1 wasn't great either.... just wait another decade or two until Cyberpunk 4077.. it's going to be legendary! Even Brendan (the vending machine) has a better story than any of them...
  37. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    It's 21k... which is trivial. Also, it's required if you want to gain access to more advanced cybermods from him.
  38. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Or just use the poster exploit. Sell it for $4k and buy it back for $5. Net profit = $3,995/transaction. Rinse and repeat... infinite money.
  39. northrop

    Cyberpunk 2077

    A completionist can definitely address it all... there are even achievements for completing all gigs/NCPD scanner missions in each neighborhood.