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  1. Axman

    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

    I just came across this dude on the Unsubscribe Podcast. Everyone needs to check it out:
  2. Axman

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    I just met my new style guy at the liquor store.

    He's a




    I feel like I should buy a lottery ticket...
  3. Axman

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    I seen it.
  4. Axman

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    The void consumes birb, now.
  5. Axman

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    The void consumes spirits, now.
  6. Axman

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    I was more into the Dirty Jobs-type stuff. PBS had harder-core science stuff with Nova.
  7. Axman

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    But I remember the ghost hunters in the 90s, they'd whip out their little ghost detectors and the machine would say "Oh man there are so much ghost!" and then they'd panic and scooby-do their asses out of there.
  8. Axman

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  9. Axman

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    The Discovery Channel peaked I think in the 90s, like, the early 90s. But they were definitely a fishing channel the whole time.
  10. Axman

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    I mean, kind of? You grow up with it, it seems normal. It's not until high school that you're like, "So how many teeth did your grandparents have in their box of teeth?" and then the girl closes her locker that you realize this isn't exactly a talking point.
  11. Axman

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    I peeked in, your story was cool, but there are a few brostorians there also with some interesting "facts" about the Katyń massacre that I had to rectify. But, I expect no less than a "source?" response.

    I was surprised that I had to explain how they were killed at all. I kind of thought that was basic history.
  12. Axman

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    Stay put, you.
  13. Axman

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    We have two upstairs cats, they're bigger than any of the other cats, and they guard the upstairs because we feed them better quality food. This sounds silly, but giving them territory means that the dogs never come upstairs to eat the cat food, and keep the one cat that sprays out of our bedroom.

    They are good guard cats.
  14. Axman

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    A tiny tobacco pouch or just a metal ammo clip with a few cigarettes

    Tobacco here is taxed so, so much...they're on their own on that front.
  15. Axman

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    Travel toothbrush, toothpaste, and a bottle of water?

    I'll look into bulk tooth stuff if it's cheap enough. Water's free here, no need.

    Anyone doing the zombie walk I avoid. It's funny I ran into an obvious meth head during a storm last winter, he was wearing pajamas and one of those New Mexican wool rugs...He stopped me and I was like, "Oh here we go," but all he wanted was to know what time it was and if I had a light.
  16. Axman

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    It did it again! It took away my bum bags!
  17. Axman

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    Soap sheets are smaller, cheaper, and come in a plastic carry case, all pros.
  18. Axman

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    What else should I add? Baby wipes? Soap sheets? Chewing gum?
  19. Axman

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    So recently I've been putting together little kits for beggars, some candy, a pack of rolling papers, a box of matches, and every single time I've handed them out it makes people super-happy.
  20. Axman

    RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation

    They're betting that Nvidia is going to paper-launch their top-tier cards then sell all the glass as AI hardware for 10x the price, then flood the mid-range with cheap parts. It's a redo of Polaris. That, plus their high-end APUs will have tons of people using AMD for the first time in years...
  21. Axman

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    lol yanked
  22. Axman

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    Haha, chat, my copy-paste fu has you this time!

    Our schools did JROTC (including riflery) pretty much up 'til Columbine. Some schools still teach it they just use air rifles now.
  23. Axman

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    Most high schools built before '99 have shooting ranges.
  24. Axman

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    I had a gym teacher in high school who used this week to teach "health class," a day where he provided and we brought "enough food to not need to use lotion."
  25. Axman

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  26. Axman

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    Also last night my FIL made brownies with pecan roll topping, those were cash.
  27. Axman

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    Clever way to prevent the top from cracking.
  28. Axman

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    I just discovered baklava cheesecake. I don't like cheesecake but this seems intriguing.
  29. Axman

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    Can't be me, I don't have old booze. Also liquor doesn't age in the bottle, only wines.
  30. Axman

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    That blessed 4ch. They had a barbecue meetup in Dallas and one guy made THC-infused deviled eggs, ate four on the drive over, got so high on the drive he got lost, and got arrested for being fucking bombed out of his gourd.

    Right now you know damn well there is a cop shop that all ate the remaining 44 deviled eggs going "Oh God, oh man, oh man, God, what the fuuuuuu..."
  31. Axman

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    I used to trim it but for the past year or so I've let it go feral. It's starting to be a bit of a problem so I've convinced my wife that it needs work and she's finally OK with that.
  32. Axman

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    About 12 years ago I broke all my shavers and razors and took it as a sign that I should give up. Then I shaved for no-shave-November to see how long it would take for it to grow back and it was like, 7-8 months.
  33. Axman

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    I haven't shaved in...8 years?
  34. Axman

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    Ah jeez, I put a lot of work into that one and it got slotted.
  35. Axman

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    My wife was doing an online quiz a while back and she was asking me the questions. "What was the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles?" "It started the Second World War." ... "What I'm not wrong!"
  36. Axman

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    I know what you mean, a lot of history in the US is taught like, "Yeah so after the Civil War nothing happened except for Teddy Roosevelt stirred up some shit with Mexico and somehow we were put in charge of the Philippines then France quit the War and we nuked Japan for no reason. Oh we did WWI, too, but that's not really important."
  37. Axman

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    Everyone could shoot off more fireworks, get hammered on pastis, snort some quiche...
  38. Axman

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    It would be cool if the US celebrated Bastille Day. "We had Independence Day." "Yes, but what about Second Independence Day?"
  39. Axman

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    The export version is slightly different from the Polish stuff but it's not a lower quality.