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  1. D

    For Anyone Doubting Ray Tracings Importance [Fortnite and Latest NVIDIA 552.44 Driver]

    What am I supposed to be seeing there?
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    Stablebit scanner or HD Sentinel?

    Been using HD Sentinel for years. Handy tool.
  3. D

    9950X and 9950X3D is going to be terrific.

    Hmm been Intel HEDT the past 10 years but maybe a 9900X might be a nice change... A 9700X would do but I like to run my machines for 8 years at a time now. If they come out in July I'll wait till November-December for some bug fixing to take place. Plus I like to get a later yield chip if...
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    Best HDD for long term storage solution?

    I always say in 1000 years time historians will still know more about the Egyptians than right now due to the papyrus and stone tablets still being around whilst all those .doc and .jpgs will be long gone. It's a losing battle.
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    Best HDD for long term storage solution?

    I asked myself this question - "Do I want ANY of my parents data or photos?" Answer - "No, not really, only until the will and probate is sorted! Got enough of my own crap to deal with without handing it onto to someone else to worry about after I'm gone!" "Yayyy look, Grandpa left you his...
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    Best HDD for long term storage solution?

    What do YOU REALLY need to keep?
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    Do you guys use Bitlocker on your home/Personal machines?

    I always say "Do you have data on your laptop that Tom Cruise will want to come down the skylight on a wire for?" "Erm no, not really!" I only encrypt anyone with a machine for business use that holds an amount of customer data for GDPR purposes. For GDPR the long and the short is if you can...
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    Do you guys use Bitlocker on your home/Personal machines?

    It doesnt work on Home machines (well it does but it ends in tears). Most people do not know its encrypted. Most do not have their unlock key as a result. Sometimes its hidden in the MS Account but people cant find it. That or they do not have a MS account and therefore no key. Then MS decided...
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    Backing up a drive to an external. Most reliable ways?

    I've used Cobian for years. Just works, range of back up options.
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    Move away from unsafe FAT on USB sticks or disks, use ZFS

    In 30+ years of PC'ing I see little benefit for all the extra steps and lack of shifting it around for USB drives. Plug and play baby!
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    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    Thank goodness at that rate I'll be retired 10 years before there is ever the risk of having to work on a laptop with it installed.
  12. D

    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    More an Annette Haven or Desiree Coustau type myself.
  13. D

    No thread about the framework laptop?

    The 16 looks a mess to be honest. They tried to build a 'Homer'.
  14. D

    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    Always wondered if 10TB plus HDDs with say a 32GB SSD module on the controller and better caching algorithms like the old SSHDs could make a comeback. Optane but all integrated and not like the H10/H20 crappy SSDs.
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    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    Did a quick look at a couple of 20TB reviews and it looks like we are stuck at that 7200rpm/data density 250-280MBps limit. Looks like we've gained like 70MBps over the 200 or so my single platter 1TB SSHD (short stroked to 200GB) from 2010 gave me.
  16. D

    What do you do with very small SSD or NVMe drives?

    Yeah I put one of those in my work laptop a few months ago. Worked fine, I swapped it out later for a Hynix as I needed it for something else.
  17. D

    What do you do with very small SSD or NVMe drives?

    If I was wanting a NAS style I'd buy up those 16/32GB Optane drives that are now dirt cheap. Pretty good endurance and low latency.
  18. D

    DDR5-7200 Memory - Why the lack of motherboard support out of the box?

    The £mega bucks gaming rig I had in with the faulty 13900KS CPU was runnng 96GB of 7200 ram but I couldn't get 4 sticks to run at that with XMP1/2 or anything. I knew 4 sticks of that was pushing it ...but I wasnt the one that specced and built the damn thing! Latest BIOS updated etc. If I...
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    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    Not seen any reviews for 20TB+ drives (kind of niche now) but can they really hit sustained 500MBps read/write rates now?
  20. D

    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    Yes that was my point. Just try not to collect so much data in the first place you have to go to enterprise levels to manage it all. It becomes a liability then. But everyone likes to think they are really important and thus everything they have is important too. Thing is after you are gone...a...
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    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    Again where did I say it isnt of value or use to YOU? Jeez... I have no children so I know 90% of my stuff will go to a charity store or a skip. I have accepted that. That is my path, I can't sit here worrying about it. I do have data and thats fine because it is USEFUL to me currently but I...
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    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    "And to anyone else but you, your data probably is worthless." Is my point. But yes the truth is, people really dont care about your stuff unless it's worth cold hard cash. Sorry, that's the cold hard truth. I deal with estate clearances on occasion, if it aint worth easy money it gets trashed...
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    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    They would get over it as they would be 50+ by to sell and clear out all the stuff in it.
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    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    Missed my point totally too, that makes two of us but carry on...
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    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    I'm talking as an individual. Your grandkids are not going to want your 200TB torrented Anime collection. And to anyone else but you, your data probably is worthless.
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    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    I always feel the way to win with data is to not have much in the first place. It's a millstone. Its all going to get lost or tossed at some point.
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    Anyone went strictly to SSDs only yet ?

    Had to check the date on this wasnt 2014 or something. Wow.
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    Dead 5900X

    Try switching off all the cores bar 1 or 2...if you can then swap in the bad CPU and see it it allows it...
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    Phase Change Material (PCM)

    Whether real or not, I put mine in and it made a massive Quite easy situation, slap down the $15, what's that to anyone on this site? We are all H here arent we??? (as I've been told many times on this site) and give it a go. If you get a 5+ drop job done.
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    Ugh...bad 13900KS in a £6000 gaming rig

    Yeah lithogrpahy, complexity, heat and freqs are all getting wayyy too high. We need a new direction...
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    Ugh...bad 13900KS in a £6000 gaming rig

    Why would the parent know? They work in a restaurant. I don't know anything about large scale catering...;) I always say to customers "Don't worry, we all have our own sphere of expertise!"
  32. D

    Ugh...bad 13900KS in a £6000 gaming rig

    Yeah, I was a bit annoyed it cost them so much to get it running. I did check the pins and they were fine, The new CPU worked just perfect, stable and no BSOD so... I have got machines up and running again with a pin, steady hand and a magnifying glass to straighten the pins. I remember a...
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    Ugh...bad 13900KS in a £6000 gaming rig

    Had a doozy in this week. Guy bought a £6000 gaming rig (4090/7200MHz RAM/4TB NVMe a gogo) and its not worked right for over a year. He took it to two places to try to get it sorted, the boutique that built it didnt want to know. So muggins here was the last resort. I did all the usual stuff...
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    What do you do with very small SSD or NVMe drives?

    I use them as swapfile or scratch drives. That or I put them in USB caddies for fast portable storage.
  35. D

    2.5" SSD for gaming?

    On my Asus X99 board, even with a 40 lane CPU its pure mental gymnastics working out the slot/m.2/USB3 combinations. If you plug A into B then C no longer works and D becomes x2 and E will...and so on. As far as I know nothing drops to PCIe 2.0 on my board, it's all PCI 3.0. The x4 slot will...
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    SSD upgrade in Surface Laptop 4?

    First off...can you take apart a Surface 4?
  37. D

    2.5" SSD for gaming?

    I got a 2TB SATA MX500 to copy my 1TB Steam NVMe (Corsair) to. I needed the NVMe/slot for something else more important so moved my games to SATA. I havent noticed much of a difference to be honest.
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    Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January 29th

    The thing I don't get is that supposedly these companies know all about me and my buying habits...yet all the ads they send me...are totally irrelevant to me and my lifestyle. I think all this data collection is just total BS or they are just terrible at it.
  39. D

    No thread about the framework laptop?

    No feature for that with mine as far as I know. I've handed it on to my gf as I didnt need the laptop in the end.