Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

Well, the leveling so far seems fairly easy compared to previous seasons. 2 hours in and already level 48.

Unfortunately, I still don't think the game's quite yet ready for primetime, so once again, will just focus on the season journey and call it quits.
Playing the new season, just seems like they can't get this game right. It'll likely always stay the worst of the Diablo series. I just don't think open world works in games like this, it's too much of a problem to design a game like this around open world. I'm so bored leveling up in helltide over and over. I'm going to keep going to see the later game content, fortunately it's only been an hour or two and I'm level 40.
Well, the leveling so far seems fairly easy compared to previous seasons. 2 hours in and already level 48.

Unfortunately, I still don't think the game's quite yet ready for primetime, so once again, will just focus on the season journey and call it quits.
Don't know what you mean by not being ready. The game has been fine since day 1. My issue is that they have been trying too hard to satiate the content vultures again and doing too many drastic things that keep dumbing the game down.
Playing the new season, just seems like they can't get this game right. It'll likely always stay the worst of the Diablo series. I just don't think open world works in games like this, it's too much of a problem to design a game like this around open world. I'm so bored leveling up in helltide over and over. I'm going to keep going to see the later game content, fortunately it's only been an hour or two and I'm level 40.
Recall that the game was originally designed with the intention of needing to complete the campaign every season as you do in Path of Exile seasons. They only added the skip campaign option after people bitched about it. So people are choosing to limit the content they play by skipping the campaign and getting bored because there is only so much you can design for an open world game like this. And now that people are able to get to level 100 and complete the season journey in one week people are bitching that there isn't enough content.

Still, compare this to what you did in Diablo III. In that game all you did was rifts constantly. The seasonal gameplay in D3 was literally the same from level 1 to Paragon 1000. At least with D4 they give a story around each season for you to progress through.
The patch broke DLSS, by the way, and it's not just frame generation like the notice in Battle.net says. I am only getting 40-60 FPS now with ray tracing when I got 80-100 with DLSS Balanced without frame generation before the patch.
I turned off Ray Tracing yesterday for that very reason.

As a side note, I do like the new way they got to improve you items. I quickly found a new main weapon for my Eternal toon and was able to craft it pretty much the way I wanted after finding a couple of recipe books. Anyway, it felt a lot better then the old system.
I haven't been keeping tabs very closely. What is your guy's verdict on the re-itemization?

Its way better, but honestly the biggest change they made that lets me have fun is the world tier 1-2 helltide. I am not a hardcore, grind to 100, get endgame loot and do the hardest content player. I'm a casual player, I just want to kill some mobs and have fun. This made it fun.
Its way better, but honestly the biggest change they made that lets me have fun is the world tier 1-2 helltide. I am not a hardcore, grind to 100, get endgame loot and do the hardest content player. I'm a casual player, I just want to kill some mobs and have fun. This made it fun.
I agree with this. I'm 41, have gotten a ton of legendaries, 3 uniques, have done some quests, lots of helltide grinding (which has a lot more mob density than when I played at launch) and am generally having fun with it. I also only played Druid at launch, so getting to experience the game on a different class now is also adding to the fun. I still need 1 specific legendary to bump my build up, so chasing that is keeping me going for now.
I haven't been keeping tabs very closely. What is your guy's verdict on the re-itemization?
I have mixed feelings. Sorting through drops is now easier, and the tempering system allows you to get affixes that you actually want and need for your build. However, one of the big issues I have, and this is probably due to the reduction of affixes on dropped items, is that the stat roll is always your class' main stat. I am rolling a Rogue this season and every piece of gear that has dropped with a stat affix is for Dexterity. It isn't necessarily an issue now, but I have relied on rolling stats to get up to the bonus requirements of rare nodes on the Paragon boards in the past. I don't know if they changed the boards for this rebalance, or if there is a tempering manual to add more stats, but it could be an issue. I have yet to look through the codex to see if there is a manual for adding different stat affixes. It's also nice to boost a stat for things like resource regeneration.

Another issue I have is the amount of equipment drops. They said that the number of drops you get would decrease, but that was a fucking lie. I have been spending more time salvaging than I have before. It might be easier to look at the affixes on a piece of equipment, but the time saved there is made up for the fact that there is so much more to sort through. And it's not like you can just ignore drops since tempering is pretty much required now and it all requires Veiled Crystals.

Another issue I have with tempering is the limited number of times you can "retemper" a piece of equipment. I have frequently run into an issue where I am looking for 1 or 2 particular affixes out of the randomized pool and ended up with the exact same affix rolling 4 times in a row, forcing me to throw it out and look for a new piece to temper. This will make me feel hesitant to try anything with late-game drops when trying to optimize. I'm not at the point yet to see how masterworking will come into play, though.

I really like the new aspect codex. Now I don't need to keep track of what aspect to look for on equipment for my target build and have it take up stash space anymore. Unfortunately they made it more expensive to imprint items now, I guess to "balance" it out.
I agree with you on that one. I lost some +All stats on one of my piece when switching to the new items and that put me below the threshold on the paragon board for some of the stuff that needs secondary stats. I was kind of planning to try and re-roll a +main stat into a +All stats but now I'm wondering if that's even possible.

I also agree with you on the Tempering limits; any limits of that kind if a bad idea... it just kills the fun and as you said adds a layer of hesitation that I don't want to have to deal with when I'm playing a game.
Don't know what you mean by not being ready. The game has been fine since day 1. My issue is that they have been trying too hard to satiate the content vultures again and doing too many drastic things that keep dumbing the game down.

Recall that the game was originally designed with the intention of needing to complete the campaign every season as you do in Path of Exile seasons. They only added the skip campaign option after people bitched about it. So people are choosing to limit the content they play by skipping the campaign and getting bored because there is only so much you can design for an open world game like this. And now that people are able to get to level 100 and complete the season journey in one week people are bitching that there isn't enough content.

Still, compare this to what you did in Diablo III. In that game all you did was rifts constantly. The seasonal gameplay in D3 was literally the same from level 1 to Paragon 1000. At least with D4 they give a story around each season for you to progress through.
For whatever reason I enjoyed Rifts more than what I'm doing now, they honestly felt less the same to me than running helltide which all feels identical. We'll see I'm not that far in yet. I think maybe I just liked the game feel of Diablo 3 more than this game and it's just boring me. I do admit what they've done is significantly better than what they had, I'm just not convinced by it yet, like I said I don't think open world works for ARPGS. Open zone sure, but open world seems problematic because once you see it it's over. ARPGs are designed to be played over and over. Rifts worked because they have a clear objective and randomized zones.

Maybe when I start doing NM dungeons and end game content I'll feel differently, but leveling is boring so far. And yes, Skipping the campaign is the right move. I played 1k hours of PoE and I'll never touch it again because of the campaign.
For whatever reason I enjoyed Rifts more than what I'm doing now, they honestly felt less the same to me than running helltide which all feels identical. We'll see I'm not that far in yet. I think maybe I just liked the game feel of Diablo 3 more than this game and it's just boring me. I do admit what they've done is significantly better than what they had, I'm just not convinced by it yet, like I said I don't think open world works for ARPGS. Open zone sure, but open world seems problematic because once you see it it's over. ARPGs are designed to be played over and over. Rifts worked because they have a clear objective and randomized zones.

Maybe when I start doing NM dungeons and end game content I'll feel differently, but leveling is boring so far. And yes, Skipping the campaign is the right move. I played 1k hours of PoE and I'll never touch it again because of the campaign.
The thing is, in later versions of Diablo 3, Rifts and Greater Rifts were meant to be sped through.

The Rifts are very compact in terms of monster density. Diabo 4 though is filled with a bunch of empty space. And sure, there might be monsters in between, but you're not killing them, you're passing by them, so they may as well not exist.

It's like with modern vs older games. In the older NES games, there was always stuff to do on your screen, or at very least, one screen away. Modern games though have tons of empty space for filler. That's why you play an older JRPG, and 4 hours in it feels like you've accomplished a ton, and can beat the game is 20 hours, vs modern games where 20 hours, you're probably not scratching the surface of the game. Some people can ignore this filler, others, like myself, can't.
The thing is, in later versions of Diablo 3, Rifts and Greater Rifts were meant to be sped through.

The Rifts are very compact in terms of monster density. Diabo 4 though is filled with a bunch of empty space. And sure, there might be monsters in between, but you're not killing them, you're passing by them, so they may as well not exist.

It's like with modern vs older games. In the older NES games, there was always stuff to do on your screen, or at very least, one screen away. Modern games though have tons of empty space for filler. That's why you play an older JRPG, and 4 hours in it feels like you've accomplished a ton, and can beat the game is 20 hours, vs modern games where 20 hours, you're probably not scratching the surface of the game. Some people can ignore this filler, others, like myself, can't.
This is a really good point, when I'm on the horse I'm just speeding past everything to get where I want to go. Then I stand in the boss area and fight the same boss in hell tide like 20 times in a group and that's the best way to get to 50 or so, then I'm guessing you do a capstone and move to WT3 and NM dungeons. They just haven't figured out the early game at all. It's comically bad at this point. I would rather run rifts in groups, like match making with groups of 4 for rifts is more fun then standing in a hell tide clicking on chests every once and while and grinding the same boss. NM dungeons have the same problem with the objectives, you're mostly just racing through to do the objectives, when the objective should always be killing stuff.
This is a really good point, when I'm on the horse I'm just speeding past everything to get where I want to go. Then I stand in the boss area and fight the same boss in hell tide like 20 times in a group and that's the best way to get to 50 or so, then I'm guessing you do a capstone and move to WT3 and NM dungeons. They just haven't figured out the early game at all. It's comically bad at this point. I would rather run rifts in groups, like match making with groups of 4 for rifts is more fun then standing in a hell tide clicking on chests every once and while and grinding the same boss. NM dungeons have the same problem with the objectives, you're mostly just racing through to do the objectives, when the objective should always be killing stuff.
That's a player choice to run past all the mobs on the way to the objective. I'd rather kill everything in a NM dungeon while leveling because I can gain 3-4 paragon points per dungeon while doing that. On Tuesday I was casually running to things on foot instead of using my horse and I got to level 45 in 3 hours because I was actually killing things and doing world events on the way to waypoints, side quests, and helltides.
So summing the recent comments on the updates: It's better, but wait until they polish some rough edges. The mess about the secondary stats for the Paragon board is especially concerning and just a bonehead move.
Well I kept to it and didn't start playing until it was out on Gamepass AND a new season started. So it's been interesting. I didn't do any of the beta stuff and didn't read into any of the game mechanics at all prior to playing. Campaign seemed much shorter than I was lead to believe from prerelease statements. Think I did it in 20 hours, with doing probably 5+ hours messing around with side quests, dungeons, and strongholds. Made it into World Tier 4 around level 68 without so much as trying to optimize gear, build, or paragon stuff. Probably could have done it a bit sooner than that, just kept leveling too fast doing whispers. There's enough chase that I imagine I could play for awhile, but at the same time I'm not sure. Is rollback common on disconnects? Seems its happened to me every time I've been disconnected about 5 minutes or so.
I'm still playing the game but I haven't had much time. I hit WT4 at level 53 and then power leveled to 75 in WT 4 just sitting in hell tide and now I'm finally running a bunch of NM dungeons and upgrading glyphs. I think I have like 4-5 hours of play time on my barbarian. It seems like they're trying to rush people to 100 as fast as possible. The game is better, but it's still strange what they're doing in terms of power leveling everyone. I think it's because they know the early game is bad and under developed. Everything is geared towards level 100 players min/maxing gear.
Well I kept to it and didn't start playing until it was out on Gamepass AND a new season started. So it's been interesting. I didn't do any of the beta stuff and didn't read into any of the game mechanics at all prior to playing. Campaign seemed much shorter than I was lead to believe from prerelease statements. Think I did it in 20 hours, with doing probably 5+ hours messing around with side quests, dungeons, and strongholds. Made it into World Tier 4 around level 68 without so much as trying to optimize gear, build, or paragon stuff. Probably could have done it a bit sooner than that, just kept leveling too fast doing whispers. There's enough chase that I imagine I could play for awhile, but at the same time I'm not sure. Is rollback common on disconnects? Seems its happened to me every time I've been disconnected about 5 minutes or so.
It takes me about 15 hours to run straight through the campaign. There are some parts that are just a slog.

Yes, the capstone dungeons for WT3 and WT4 are not that difficult.

Yes, rollback is common if you lose connection while playing. Never had the rollback issue with Diablo 3. It is quite annoying, especially if you were in the middle of doing upkeep with leveling or equipment.
Yes, rollback is common if you lose connection while playing. Never had the rollback issue with Diablo 3. It is quite annoying, especially if you were in the middle of doing upkeep with leveling or equipment.

Yeah I had just got the right tempers on a weapon first roll each, and then came back to it not being tempered at all. And then couldn’t get them rolled when retrying :-/ not the end of the world but would have been nice to not really have needed to worry about that slot again until max item level stuff.
Alright, I think I'm done. They changed the Echo of Duriel fight to where he is now as much bullshit as Echo of Lilith if you're on the east coast. I got two shot with 10,000 armor, 85% poison resist, and 30,000 HP. The hit that killed me was a phantom hit. The attack wasn't even on my screen until after I died. I'm not going to put up with that kind of bullshit.
I did everything except the torment boss fights that need the extra stones. Felt like that was enough for me u til an expansion. If I’m going to go chase impossible drops then I’ll do in D2c/D2Rc instead.
Alright, I think I'm done. They changed the Echo of Duriel fight to where he is now as much bullshit as Echo of Lilith if you're on the east coast. I got two shot with 10,000 armor, 85% poison resist, and 30,000 HP. The hit that killed me was a phantom hit. The attack wasn't even on my screen until after I died. I'm not going to put up with that kind of bullshit.

Gaming is suppose to fun I stared at my screen so hard playing this game my vision went cloudy.
Gaming is suppose to fun I stared at my screen so hard playing this game my vision went cloudy.
Funny you mention that because my eyes started to water not 15 minutes after the last time I played the game. It's really bad when you're with a group of people farming the Blood Maiden during a Helltide.