Recent content by Zepher

  1. Zepher

    RAID card no longer working, gives firmware error on POST

    IT Mode is a pass-trhough mode, basically passes the drives straight through the controller to the OS. You don't have to configure drives and arrays in the cards BIOS anymore. That is the way most people use these old Raid cards. IR is probably the normal Raid mode that you currently use it...
  2. Zepher

    RAID card no longer working, gives firmware error on POST

    Does yours have a battery? One of mine has a battery that has swollen, Really complex board on the back of the battery,
  3. Zepher

    The Thing: Remastered

    I played it and enjoyed it, but the version I had glitched at the end so never actually finished the game. I'll probably get this one if it's priced reasonably.
  4. Zepher

    RAID card no longer working, gives firmware error on POST

    I'd just get another one, they are as low as $20 on eBay.
  5. Zepher

    What Mouse and Keyboard Are You Using Right Now?

    I had one of those back in the day, mine had a door covering all of the 5-1/4 slots. It's under the desk on the far right, goes from the floor right up the desk, almost didn't fit.
  6. Zepher

    What Mouse and Keyboard Are You Using Right Now?

    it will easily hold 20 drives, the rear holders can hold 2 drives per tray, so 12 in the front and 8 in the rear.
  7. Zepher

    DOCSIS modem upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1 worth it?

    Probably because we know we need NIC's that support it and don't have to keep mentioning it. Btw, if you don't have an internal slot for a 2.5GbE Nic, these work just fine, I've used this on many PC's and my SteamDeck to get faster transfers on my network.
  8. Zepher

    Help me break the laws of physics here

    I had a Corsair Air 540 and was able to mount the fans on the front of the case and the front panel had enough clearance for the fans. would that be possible with your case?
  9. Zepher

    DOCSIS modem upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1 worth it?

    Cat5e easily handles 2.5GbE. I have a 150'+ run that was installed 24 years ago. Modem/Router and secondary PC are upstairs and my main PC is at the end of the run and I get full speed from my secondary PC to my main pc and plex server.
  10. Zepher

    WTB: 5950x or 5900x

    The 5900XT is coming out soon, it's basically a 4.8Ghz 5950X. With the 5950X selling new for $360, this new one might be a good value new, or maybe drop used 5950X's prices more.
  11. Zepher

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

    Got this email today from Xbox,
  12. Zepher

    Tomb Raider, Fallout 3 others from Free from Amazon Prime

    Crap, I must have scrolled past them since I did browse before posting.
  13. Zepher

    Tomb Raider, Fallout 3 others from Free from Amazon Prime You need a GOG account for some of them
  14. Zepher

    Wife wants to play Diablo 4 but only has a HD 6850

    Personally, I'd get the TV in your situation.