Recent content by threehundredsixftw

  1. T

    The End of Blu-ray

    wtf? john wick is 4k, but john wick 2 & 3 are fake?
  2. T

    x299 sleeper wat...

    8020 has some mesh and other various sheet materials if you want visual ideas. i would probably setting on a concept and then run around my local hardware stores to find something close. otherwise, places like 8020 can send you exact sizes if you dont want to mess with cutting the material yourself.
  3. T

    Windows 10 X: Dual Screen Fork

    while i share this sentiment, part of me still gets excited about a smart phone that can be folded to protect it's glass... maybe. i would like to do some drop tests to see how durable they are
  4. T

    The End of Blu-ray

    why not just skip the commercials on the dvd/blueray? that's what i do, and i dont have to pay monthly subscriptions for a service that might lose the streaming rights like say disney buying the entire MCU. i prefer to buy it once and be done with it. not to mention i still have the option to...
  5. T

    Windows 10 X: Dual Screen Fork

    because i liked the where the windows phones were headed. they were just 2 years too late in getting started. the biggest nail in its coffin always seemed to be that nobody was writing apps for it.
  6. T

    Windows 10 X: Dual Screen Fork

    now if only it has a sim card and cell phone functions...
  7. T

    Epic paid $10.5 million upfront for Control exclusivity

    i believe there are some valid concerns about EGS relationship to Ten Cent. with the china dictates to businesses, i will be scrubbing my computer with bleach after im done with borderlands3
  8. T

    Stop Paying For Anti-Virus

    keep your software up to date, don't let ads load (except trusted websites like the H of course), dont let java or flash touch your computer, build a router using sophos for cheap, and dont go clicking links.
  9. T

    The Biggest Problem with Triple-A, Open-World Games: "They're Boring as Hell"

    there was an online magazine that flipped their lid because the everyday citizens were gun toting, normal, good people. also, they didnt like how it drew a line between cultists and small town church members (the later of which also being good people). the evil people were evil... the normal...
  10. T

    The Biggest Problem with Triple-A, Open-World Games: "They're Boring as Hell"

    i bought farcry 5 because of all the moaning SJW's... one of my favorites of all time. the only time i got bored was when the game was over, so not much to complain about.
  11. T

    You know someone in marketing doesn't know their stuff when they...

    you know her coworkers were like "bet you wont hold the soldering iron by the heating element for the company catalogue" and she was all "hold my beer"
  12. T

    Did someone test ECC RAM on new Ryzen 3000 ?

    this should have been done 15 years ago when you still had to research your ram/mobo/cpu to make sure they were compatible. it's gotten so easy to build a pc now, that pretty is what sells. IMO the market missed that exit, and it isnt likely to make the turn any time soon.
  13. T

    Siri listens to everything you do.

    i debate that future. granted, being able to do stuff from across the room from my devices is cool. it will even be game changing for certain niche markets. however it is so much faster to simply do certain actions than speak the command phrase. $.02
  14. T

    You know someone in marketing doesn't know their stuff when they...

    ah... i see your problem, highlight everything and then double click the "rotate 90" tool. honestly though, i hate having to read stuff upside down on mobo's. that's just my user preference due to shoe string budgets and poor choices :D
  15. T

    Siri listens to everything you do.

    and your first reaction is to flame... nice...