Recent content by sadsteve

  1. S

    Microsoft blocks workaround that enabled users to create local accounts as part of the OOBE installer.

    I've never used the Home edition but, couldn't you just create a local admin account after installation and then only login to that account from then on? If you don't want Microsoft to know your email address there's a number of sites that provide throw-away email accounts (good for 24 hrs or...
  2. S

    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

    I'm liking MX Linux. I've been using it for a few years now and really have no complaints (lot less complaints than I have for Windows!). I originally dual booted Linux and Windows but now run Win 11 in a VM, mostly for gaming purposes.
  3. S

    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

    I have dual graphics cards, one for the Linux side and one for the VM. I'm running an AMD 5950 with 32GB RAM so each side has 8 cores and 16GB RAM.
  4. S

    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

    God I'm glad I switched to Linux as my main OS after Windows 8.0 came out. I pretty much only crank up my Windows VM for gaming (games that won't work under Linux).
  5. S

    Windows 11 24H2 will enable BitLocker encryption for everyone - happens on both clean installs and reinstalls

    Oh boy, more stuff to dread with the 24H2 update. I'm glad I do most of my computing task in Linux.
  6. S

    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

    You forgot about Windows 8.0! It was Windows 8.0 that got me to switch to Linux as my main OS. I now have a Windows VM, mostly for the games that won't work under Linux.
  7. S

    Copilot or else! (for OEMs...eventually)

    There's always pulling the key off and applying a bit of glue.
  8. S

    Windows 10 users: Get ready to be bugged about creating a Microsoft Account

    Hope it works out for you. It's so much better than dual booting
  9. S

    Windows 10 users: Get ready to be bugged about creating a Microsoft Account

    Ah, I didn't know they did it only in the paid for version. Thanks for the info.
  10. S

    Windows 10 users: Get ready to be bugged about creating a Microsoft Account

    I highly recommend going the KVM/QEMU/libvirt route. It was relatively easy to get the GPU passthrough working. Again, I was lucky that I had a motherboard that would split the PCI lanes between the 2 connectors. I"ve also heard that ProxMox works well too.
  11. S

    The legendary Zilog Z80 CPU is being discontinued after nearly 50 years

    I built my first computer (in 1978) based upon the z80 and the S100 bus. It was a tremendous learning experience designing and building boards for the system (lots of wire wrapping). Very fun times. I've still got my copy of "the Z80 microcomputer handbook" by Willian Barden Jr.
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    Windows 10 users: Get ready to be bugged about creating a Microsoft Account

    Yea, I've start looking at new motherboards and want one with 2 16 lane pci slots (purchase would be a long time away yet). My current motherboard splits it into 8 and 8. Not that I've really noticed the difference between a 16x vs and 8x slot. Just getting a more modern GPU with more memory...
  13. S

    Windows 10 users: Get ready to be bugged about creating a Microsoft Account

    Run the script you can find in the first article to display your iommu groupings. You should be able to see how things are laid out.