Pabaisa's latest activity

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    Pabaisa reacted to NightReaver's post in the thread Printer Recomendation with Like Like.
    K1 seems to work fine from what I've heard. Seems they ironed out the teething issues with revisions. If you want an enclosed printer that's probably your best bet for your budget. Personally just bought an ender 3 v3 KE for $220-ish. Creality...
  • P
    Pabaisa reacted to Drexion's post in the thread Where are the next gen MMO's? with Like Like.
    This was back in the day when there was a large misconception about the number of persons willing to pay $15 a month for an MMO sub, which was the core business plan for those "WoW killers". Now we have more realistic data that the number is much...