Recent content by Keljian

  1. K

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    I am sometimes utterly amazed at what AI coding tools can make.
    Other times, not so much.
    What coding tools did you mean?
  2. K

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  3. K

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    its not technically stock settings though if the manufacturer bios is running the power settings outside of intel’s recommended specifications, is it?
  4. K

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    this intel crap about instability and degradation is all about the 13900k/14900k.. when run at stock settings ...
  5. K

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    so ...
  6. K

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    Thanks for not saying "wtf are you talking about" when I intentionally act obtuse to tease out thoughts.
    I have a love of state machines, for things with states. And are machines.
    My C# general implementation is the best. Via reflection, it can make all the bindings of transition actions just happen.
    I find the best programmers are obtuse about teasing out thoughts
  7. K

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    hey Phase - thanks for being a sounding board yesterday
  8. K

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    I'm working through massive simplification right now
  9. K

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    If I trigger states based on interrupt flags to skip over code it may solve it
  10. K

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    which? :p
  11. K

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    states may be able to solve the issue
  12. K

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    (in dm of course)
  13. K

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    would discussing this live be easier? (I can send a teams invite)
  14. K

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    I don't follow