Recent content by guito13

  1. G

    Chat message

    Try typing a message then wait a few and hit refresh. Message may or may not be there. Happening to alot of us. I blame you.
  2. G

    Chat message

    Perhaps take the disk out and blow into the drive, reinsert and test.
  3. G

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    FrgMstr Fix yo' shit
  4. G

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    The void is eating our "Likes"
  5. G

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    My 2 oldest won their class award (only 1 student per classroom) so I am a proud dad today. Just got home from their award ceremony.
  6. G

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  7. G

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    Last full day of school!
  8. G

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    Michal, you can be my farmhand
  9. G

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    Ax, next time you are in MI ill hire you for my personal chef and firearms trainer
  10. G

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    Some sort of indian dish...
  11. G

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    I suppose I should get to work
  12. G

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  13. G

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  14. G

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    Ok gotta go shower to get ready for my youngest's dance recital...yay...
  15. G

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    Most people here would have equal force ;-)