Epyon's latest activity

  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation.
    You do not have 3 "players" you have 1. If you do ANYTHING other then gaming you have 1 player because the other 2 just fucking suck and i am sure they always will. I would love to buy anything other then NV. but the whole damn world just codes...
  • E
    If they do in fact up the core count would they still limit pci-e lanes or do you think we would get a slight bump?
  • E
    Wrong, there’s a guy that’s on his third Toyota engine within the first year . I believe he had a tundra. Maybe within the first six months I need to look that up again.
  • E
    I was looking at a Tacoma but like you saw that almost 20k above other trucks that are better. They said they shut down the Mexico plant for 19 days because they can't find workers. I think the pay was reported at $2.73 cents an hour. Tacoma are...
  • E
    Well, You better get use to it. Inflation and everything else like rent/food/car buying is going into the sky. You people act like video cards are the only thing that as gone up. These company's care about one thing...money and or the stock...
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation.
    You will be in a world of pain. I'm going to buy 2 of them
  • E
    *The cost of research as gone up *These cards can do more then gaming *If in America (me) Inflation is just going to get worse. Have you people done the math? The buying power is going to be cut in 1/2 over 20 years. *You CAN sell the card to...
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    Well, Got the computer last night and the power went out i am in pasadena tx but got it up and running today. He did put windows 11 on it so i need to research how to fix all of it. I have it running encoding right now for the next few days till...
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    Unfortunately, the video card is too fucking big to put in any small form factor case that I like because they are all sold out so I’m going with the shitty SG 15 shoebox case whatever and the video card will be plugged in directly to the...
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    Is confirmed fixed To answer your other questions: UEFI/BIOS is recent and I checked the update list. I don't recommend updating once you have problems worked out (same as manufacturer) CSM is enabled Legacy USB Support is enabled Changed the...
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    Well, the PC is fixed. He mentioned something about three settings in the bio he needed to change and mouse settings but he forgot to email me what he changed. I guess he thought he did so I’m inquiring about that. Cut and pasted some of his...
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    Yeah he is doing all that. And yes, I did say I had another guy working on it. I don’t build a lot of computers so I thought the riser cable would be fine. I mean, I know now and in the future, I will build everything on a test bench first...
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    I'm offshore for another 2 weeks so if thats what it takes 100 hours but it seems like he is in windows so lets see what happens.
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    So my guy finally started getting around looking at the problem could be and let’s just say it’s interesting: *using the riser I couldn't boot into the UEFI reliably. So now I have it directly in the PCIE Slot. *I enabled CSM, Legacy USB...
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation.
    Can we please get more then 1 5090 that is 304mm long? I wish that was the max no more 340mm cards Jesus.
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    Thanks man. I did see the light flashing that it was reading and then installing bios. who really knows. I'm just glad i make enough money that it is some what easy for be to absorb my mistakes better then most but still kind of mad. I have a...
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    I work offshore and i have other stuff i need to get done around the house and get ready to go back offshore. To be honest I am done with it taking up my time. I was willing to try some things but i don't have the time to keep screwing with it. I...
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    I took everything but the cpu out and still no screen and the fans on the gpu won't turn on at all. So I guess i am sending it off to josh at NFC and he said he would take a look at it and worse case is either the ram just won't work and i will...
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    Like I said I'm done with it. The gpu fans never come on i have it in a open X70 by X works. I can just look down at my feet and see that the only fan that comes on is cpu and the lights on the memory.
  • E
    Epyon replied to the thread infinite loop no windows 11 pro.
    Bricked no screen no matter what i do gpu fans will not turn