Recent content by auntjemima

  1. auntjemima

    Cannot edit metadata for .mp3 audio files under Win7

    Random guess here, but the ones you can edit, were they originally updated in a different music app so windows can now edit them?
  2. auntjemima

    what is the more overrated cryptocurrency in your opinion?

    That's a good point. All this talk and for what? END THE FED! lol
  3. auntjemima

    what is the more overrated cryptocurrency in your opinion?

    The question wasn't "Do you hate cryptocurrency with no valid reason for it?". They asked which is overhyped. Definitely Doge or Shib.
  4. auntjemima

    Any good games with offline bots?

    Still quake 3.
  5. auntjemima

    KDE neon mkinitcpio replacement

    Thanks, my friend. I ran it already but I had not seen any real "hooks" I was looking for. Then I realised I didn;t run it verbose. Thanks again!
  6. auntjemima

    KDE neon mkinitcpio replacement

    Good evening! I am using KDE Neon 6 and I am trying to do some GPU passthrough with a video tutorial. It tells me to run.. sudo mkinitcpio -p linux However my install says that is not installed. When I try and install it it says "Unable to locate package mkinitcpio". I see dracut is used for...
  7. auntjemima

    Windows 10 users: Get ready to be bugged about creating a Microsoft Account

    I'm trying this on a laptop with both Intel and a 4070. So I should be good to leave Linux on the Intel card and send the Nvidia one to the VM.
  8. auntjemima

    Windows 10 users: Get ready to be bugged about creating a Microsoft Account

    Omg, I hate you. This entire time I have been trying to get games to run in Linux and it's nothing but a hassle and never once considered a VM.. I'm such a fucking idiot.
  9. auntjemima

    XGI Volari Duo V8 Ultra AGP 256MB GPU Retro

    Love your posts!
  10. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    That's weird, sorry I can't help, but I ran it on Mint and KDE Neon plasma 6 and they both ran fine. I had issues otherwise, but not graphically.
  11. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    I've been using Wayland on my 4070 for a while. What issues are you having?